James Van Der Beek, renowned for his Dawson's Creek role, recently brought to light a heartfelt birthday tradition initiated by his on-screen mother, Mary-Margaret Humes.
Best remembered as Gail Leery, the mother of Van Der Beek's character on the long-running show from 1998 to 2003, Humes has kept her connection with the actor alive off-screen too. After the sad demise of Van Der Beek's actual mother in 2020, Humes has taken to expressing her affection by sending him homemade cookies each year on his birthday.
Acknowledging Humes' Sweet Gesture
Van Der Beek didn't keep this touching gesture a secret. He shared his affection for this annual tradition on social media. Furthermore, not just Van Der Beek himself, his wife Kimberly and their adorable brood of six children also partake in the joy of enjoying Humes' homemade cookies.
Reconnecting Post Dawson's Creek
The bond between Van Der Beek and Humes extends far beyond the Dawson's Creek series, as demonstrated by their post-show interactions. The pair was reunited during Van Der Beek's participation in Dancing with the Stars in 2019. Additionally, they took a nostalgic trip down memory lane, recalling their Dawson's Creek experiences during a reunion feature with Entertainment Weekly in 2018.
Moreover, the actor leveraged International Women's Day to convey his gratitude towards all affectionate women, underlining the significance of their roles in his life.